Our Story


Enabling parent groups of all capacities to maximize their community engagement potential with the use of technology.  We do this by implementing and supporting proven IT solutions based upon years of experience and know-how.


Daniela Kou

Daniela Kou


Daniela is a long-time PTA parent having served in numerous chair and executive board roles and currently volunteers at her kids’ high school.  She has worked professionally in tech firms with extensive project management and consulting experience.  Her operational knowledge of and passion for PTA has been instrumental in the co-founding and mission of RubberDuckIT — To keep volunteering fun without the hassles of evolving tech.

Jim Leung

Jim Leung


Jim has been serving in various PTA chair and executive board capacities at the unit, council, and district levels and currently focuses on Family Engagement and Advocacy.  For over a decade, he has been involved in the operational side of PTA utilizing many different online platforms that provide school websites, fundraising, membership, directory, stores, volunteering, accounting, forms, e-newsletters and more. He brings a wealth of back-end experience and process knowledge that can help any parent organization do more with less.

The RDI EquITy™  Initiative

Inspired by the work of California Department of Education’s Bridging the Digital Divide program, we have built into our mission: The EquITy™  Initiative.  For every 3 parent groups that receive ArdeeCareservices, we will provide a FREE service to a qualifying Title 1 school. EVERY PTA/PTO deserves the opportunity to improve their operations and maximize their community engagement…and our hope is to make this available to deserving schools.